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Kiwi Avoidance Training Raetihi

Join Kiwi Avoidance Trainer Joe at the Raetihi Makotuku Domain for avian avoidance training to certify your dog for kiwi avoidance training. This training is the best practice option to ensure your dog will be less likely to pursue and harm wild kiwi, and is required for any dogs taken into Tongariro, Erua, and Rangataua forest hunting areas.

Bookings are essential for this trip and can be done through the Kiwi Avoidance Training website. Please select Joe Metekingi as the trainer and reserve your 15 minute time slot per dog.  Joe Metekingi is an endorsed kiwi avoidance trainer. Spaces are limited and admission prices must be paid on or before the day of training. Please keep all dogs in your vehicles until it is time to undertake the training.

The Kiwi Avoidance Training programme is a partnership between Save the Kiwi and the Department of Conservation, established in 1996. For more information about Kiwi Avoidance Training and to book a session in your region, visit

Duration: 15 minutes per dog

Max Participants: 35 dogs

Location: Raetihi Makotuku Domain, Raetihi Cemetery

Cost: $25.00 per dog

Participants are asked to bring

  • Dog on leash

  • Previous certification copies (if you have them)

  • DOC hunting permit (a new one can be issued on the day if required)

  • DOC Dog Permit (a new one can be issued on the day if required)

The trip leader reserves the right to refuse anyone who is insufficiently equipped.

Booking fees and canceLLATION

Book directly with Kiwi Avoidance Training.

This trip may be cancelled/postponed due to adverse weather.

Mahi Aroha programme

Project Tongariro is proud to deliver the Mahi Aroha Summer programme trips at cost to you. However, this price does not account for the extensive hours of planning, preparation, and dedication contributed by our amazing staff and volunteers.

Please consider adding a small donation as part of your booking to support the ongoing delivery of this programme.


Check, Clean, Dry to stop the spread

Getting outdoors is a fantastic way to explore New Zealand, but it's important to clean your boots and gear to prevent the spread of invasive weed species and pests like didymo that threaten our rivers, lakes, and native ecosystems. Always check your gear for seeds, cleaning and drying thoroughly after every use to help protect NZ’s great outdoors.

For more info and tips visit the MPI website.

Earlier Event: 18 January
The Goat Adventure Run
Later Event: 19 January
Pukawa Trap Building Workshop